Schools & Education
We are very pleased to announce that our Learning Outside the Classroom Award has been renewed. This denotes that we have maintained the Quality Badge status in delivering our educational programmes.
During the last few months we have devised new theme/interactive based days for our education programme provided at the museum, which we deliver to local schools and these are proving very popular.
The programmes cover various topics from Buildings through to A Victorian Christmas and can be delivered as a full day programme to include lunch or on a pick and mix basis of two-hour sessions.
The museum has the necessary policies and procedures in place including health & safety, equality, safeguarding etc. and all policies are reviewed on a regular basis. Copies available if required.
The museum has the appropriate public liability insurance and a copy of The Helena Thompson Museum Risk Assessment is available.
Below we have set out details of the programmes available together with a link to an application form.
If you would like to make an enquiry please do not hesitate to contact The Helena Thompson Museum.
A look back at how different Christmas was in Victorian Times. Take an opportunity to sample some Victorian Christmas food, create your own Victorian Christmas card and make decorations.
Become a Museum Curator – Join the team at The Helena Thompson Museum for a day. Choose a topic, select your items for your display and find out more information about them.
We invite you to ‘visit’ Helena Agnes Mary Thompson’s Victorian home, Park End House and learn about her life and that of the household around her.
Start the day by meeting at Workington Hall. Find out when and who the Hall was built by. How has the town grown and changed and who was the ‘special’ visitor to the Hall in 1568?
We look at how this group of invaders changed this period in history for ‘Britain’ and our area of Cumbria.
After the Anglo Saxons, we look at how the Vikings invaders changed this period in history for ‘Britain’ and our area of Cumbria.
The Curwen family were involved in reform, local government, farming and the Church. Use the resources of the Museum to learn about Workington‘s most famous family.
Enjoy some time in the Museum – look at and touch some of the many Victorian items we have on display.
Beatrix Potter lived in the Lake District around 100 years ago. In this event, we take a look at what was happening in our hometown of Workington at that time.
In this event, we take a look at Childhood in Victorian times and how money, and the wage your Father earned, impacted on what toys were around for you to play with.
To book any of the events available on this page please download and fill in the order form here